What NEP Does | NEP


Over 25 Years of Excellence
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NEP equips educators to provide every student equal access to success.

NEP provides training, conducts research, provides consultation, creates connections through our network, and serves as technical assistance provider to a number of schools and districts who are recipients of SLC grant funding from the United States Department of Education. Some of the work we do includes:

- Comprehensive needs assessments for schools at the start of an SLC or career academy initiative, as well as into the implementation phase.

- Evaluation of school improvement initiatives (K-12).

- Training for educators at their school or district sites (K-12).

- Design and assist with implementation of career academies.

- Facilitate the NEPwork - An innovative and ground-breaking network of NEP-affiliated schools.

- Design and assist with implementation of small learning communities (SLCs).

- Design staff development plans that meet the needs individual schools have identified for themselves (K-12).

- Identify and utilize speakers who are the best available in their areas of expertise.

- Host international, national and regional conferences on effective leadership and on SLC successful practices.